Tuesday, June 9, 2009


On Sunday Ed and I walked into a momma bear and her cub! Momma started to move toward us, so we got out of there fairly quickly! The cub was this years and so tiny and sweet looking. Such is life out here in the wilderness. Encounters with wildlife
are fairly commonplace.
Today I planted some of my garden in buckets, as Ed doesn't have time to help me make a new garden area where it doesn't flood.
Tomorrow I think I will put in some potatoes in the log structure we were building for storing the hay that doesn't fit in the hay shed. I will just put the potatoes on th ground and then cover them up with about 12 inches of old hay. I haven't tried this method before, but it's suppose to work.
The wild mint is growing and smells so nice. I will pick some soon to add to our salads and ice tea. The wild strawberries are in flower and if all goes well for them this may be a great year. Hopefully the wild blueberries and saskatoons are going to be abundant again this year.
It's finally hot here and it sure is enjoyable. The mosquitos are thick, however now the birdies have something to eat now.
The trees are all leafed out, the geese and ducks have hatched out their babies, and all in all life is good.


  1. sounds like summer has arrived in your corner of the country...we are still waiting for spring...heheh

  2. I really enjoy your website, thanks for sharing! We've lived in the city/suburbs all of our lives , and my girlfriend and I love the idea of moving out to an area something like yours. Keep tweeting, and take lots of pictures!- Jay (@GunsandTacos)


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Let me know what you think about the way we live.