Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Still Cold

Good Morning,

It's still very cold here. At night the temperatures drop down to minus 28-30 celsius.

During the middle of the day it's not too bad, getting up to around minus 1.

It will be great when the weather breaks.

We have a Hairy Woodpecker hanging around the homestead and drilling a lot of holes in all our buildings. He's probably getting the flies and bugs that winter over in between the outside and inside walls. He's really handsome and is not frightened of us, which is great.

The seeds I planted last week have sprouted and soon I will have to transplant them into bigger containers. It's nice to see the little green shoots and dream of harvesting the fruits and vegeys in the summer.

Have a lovely day,


Thursday, February 12, 2009

This is True

Chief Seattle said "This we know. The earth does not belong to man; man belongs to the earth.
This we know...Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it.
Whatever he does to the web he does to himself."
I say this is true. Look around you and you will see.
We've got to get back into the natural rhythm of nature.
Reach out and embrace Mother Earth- she needs us now more than ever to strive to live in harmony with the natural world.

Monday, February 9, 2009


It's almost the middle of February and that means that Spring will be upon us soon.
I started some seeds indoors to get ready for planting time.
I planted 3 kinds of tomatoes, some assorted mini peppers, a few herbs and lettuce, so we can eat salad greens soon. I also planted cat grass, so our furry little friends may have some early greens to munch on, too.
Today is the full moon with snow falling. It looks like we will be getting some cooler weather for the next week or so.
It's times like these that I am grateful for our wood heater and the warmth that it give to us.
Stay warm and be kind to each other,

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Where Did All the Homesteaders Go?

Good morning,

February, already. That means there are only 6 weeks to go until spring.

That is good news for all of us that want to get outdoors and plant our gardens and of course,

get some natural vitamin D.

Where we live right now there are only 6 families homesteading in thousands of acres of land.

Way back when there were between 60 - 70 homesteading families and individuals living in this area.

Where did everyone go?

I suppose some people left for town to school their children and perhaps the other folks just up and left for greener pastures or sold out to some of the big ranches and sought an easier lifestyle.

I've never seen so many old abandoned homesteads.

For the 6 families that do live here full time, none of us are complaining about all the room we have to roam about on.

Happy Trails to all,