Monday, April 6, 2009

Adding on to the Cabin

A few years ago we decided that we would add an addition to the cabin. We wanted an indoor workshop, a basement to put our battery packs to keep them cool plus have some storage room for vegetables/fruit. We also wanted to have a bigger bedroom and a place for an indoor toilet.
Off we went to get our bug killed trees, take them to our sawmill and cut the lumber we needed.
We wanted to cut all the lumber that was needed first, then pre build the walls with the windows framed in and the trusses for the roof.
That way when it came to putting up the addition we could just boogy along without having to stop to cut lumber or frame the walls in.
This way of building was a lot faster for us.
To put up the upstairs walls and trusses we had to make a gin pole to pull the walls and trusses up to where they were needed.
This worked great too. A gin pole is actually 3 long poles chained together in a tripod shape with a pulley attached to the top and a rope through the pulley. We used our pickup truck to pull the rope that lifted up the walls and trusses to where they were needed.

Now we're talking about adding a covered deck out back. We want to have a summer kitchen. We will put my old woodstove there, so I can cook and bake, without making our cabin too warm.
We just might hang up our hammocks out there too and dream some dreams.

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