Friday, May 8, 2009


Lately I have been going back in time to when I was a little girl. My mom and 2 sisters lived with my grandmother for awhile.
I remember hearing the sound of a bell and the clip clop of horses hooves as the Junk man came down the lane calling "Junk, Junk" from his wagon. People use to give the things that they didn't want to him and he would take all away. The horses were awesome with their huge hairy hooves and their beautiful long manes. They were Clydesdales and so big to me. I loved when they would come around and I could pet them.
Back in those days we got our milk, cream and butter from the milk man. We would leave our glass pint and quart jars out on the porch at night and in the morning the milk man would see what jars were on the porch and replace what we had run out of.
Also we had a egg man, who delivered eggs.
My grandmother always grew her own vegetables and even had a compost pile out back. She baked all her own bread, buns and of course pies, cakes, cookies, jams, jellies, pickles, etc.
She grew beautiful flowers, plus we had crab apple trees, herbs, rhubarb, raspberries, strawberries and a peach tree too.
We always hung our clothes out to dry in the fresh air, even in the winter.
When we went out for groceries we walked everywhere. We would go to the butcher for fresh meat, then to the store for items that we needed.
Granny would go shopping for fresh stuff a few times a week.
I loved that part of my childhood.

1 comment:

  1. wow...that sounds like a wonderful way to life. I just came across your blog and would like to read more of you and how u life. I moved to canada a little over a year ago, from germany. My boyfriend and I are often dreaming about a simple life out in the woods and people like you are very inspiring. I live in Northwestern Ontario now. I've visited your gorgeous part of Canada a couple of years of my favourite spots :) I hope i may come back to read more :)


I wold love to hear from you!
Let me know what you think about the way we live.